Daniel A. Jacobson

(816) 461-0453 | djacobson1@dajonline.com | Independence, MO


...as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15b

Computer User Support Technician Tier 2

Seeking a permanent Microsoft PC Level 2 Desktop Support Technician position.


Personal Time and Education 06/2021 - Present

The following Computer Support  jobs after H&H were were secured through contract agencies.
(Jobs a week or less in duration not shown.)

Computer Support

US Army Corps of Engineers - Kansas City, MO 09/2019 - 06/2021

IRS - Kansas City, MO 08/2018 - 03/2019

Kansas City Star - Kansas City, MO 05/2017 - 04/2018

Sprint - Overland Park, KS 02/2017 - 05/2017

Harley Davidson - Kansas City, MO 06/2016 - 07/2016

Lee Jeans - Merriam, KS 01/2016 - 01/2016

Reko Market Direct - Blue Springs, MO 07/2015 - 10/2015

Children’s Mercy Hospital -Kansas City, MO 09/2014 - 02/2015

Saint Luke’s Hospital - Kansas City, MO 02/2014 - 04/2014

Production, Tech Maintenance and IT Support

H & H Color Lab Color LAB - Raytown, MO 08/1992 - 01/2014


Self-Educated - Books, hands-on and Online PC Hardware, Software, Networking, etc.

Coursera - Online Continuing Education

New Horizons - Overland Park, KS CompTIA A+ CE, Network+

ECPI - Kansas City, MO - Computer Programming

Electronics Institute - Kansas City, MO Electronics

Updated: 2/7/2025